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During this time of the pandemic, we want to comfort ourselves with the things that make us happy, like our dogs and other pets at home. But we no longer see their presence because they passed away. We can have the dog urns that we got especially picked out for their remains. We can have it as our comfort when we feel lost and alone in our homes. 

When we live alone in our house, we want something or someone who will comfort us. There might be times that we want to be alone. But we often want someone we can talk to or someone we can see next to us when we watch television, especially in today's situation where most people have anxiety about going out in the crowd because of coronavirus (COVID-19). That is when we need to have someone or something keep us sane while staying at home and dealing with our fears of going out. 

But how can you attain that peace when you no longer have the dog that will help us overcome the sadness of life? Are you going to adopt another dog right away to fill in the emptiness of losing your dog? Or would you look out for anything that will occupy your mind? You can try to do this suggested thing while dealing with the loss of your dog and the anxiety of going outside with a bunch of people. 

  • You need to understand your pain.

  • You will never let off the pain you have inside unless you can understand it, by understanding means you know why you have that pain. Is it because you lost the dog that you need and no one will be there for you? Or you are experiencing pain because you are out of your routine every day. We sometimes confuse ourselves with all the things that are running in our minds. But if your pain is the cause of losing your favourite family member, you need to think of the solutions to overcome it. Losing a pet is like losing a human family member. We sometimes get confused with all the changes that are happening after we lose them. 

  • Know what you are good at. 

  • In overcoming the loss of your dog, you need to see the other side of you. You need to check the things that you are good at. Things that will make you happy and inspire. From then, you can make something out of the pain you have into something that you can call a masterpiece. When you already identify your pain, you know what would help you surpass it. It may not come easy, but going through letting go of things that will hinder you from going on can help you be positive again in life. You can be your masterpiece when you have already overcome the most painful phase of your life. 

    1. Slowly socialize with the people you know.

    When you are still anxious about socializing in the crowd, you can start meeting with your closest friends or family members. You can start from there to overcome the loneliness of losing your dog. You can begin to communicate with them about what is happening with your life after losing a good companion. Gathering with some friends will ease you a little bit of what is happening and make you feel secure that though the world may be in a pandemic crisis, you can still be with the people you value.  

  • Start attending online Yoga classes. 

  • When you are afraid to be with other people in one room because of the consciousness that the coronavirus will contain you, you can enrol on a yoga class that will help you stabilize your mind and help you find focus in your inner being. If you are thinking about being alone and will get bored with this class, you can tag one or two of your family members or friends that can go over to your house to attend class with you. In that way, you will not feel alone, and it will be more manageable for you to get the focus you need because you have someone to talk to when things are not going right for you. 

  • Redecorate your house

  • Redecorating your house means you are going to have a fresh start in your life. You don't need to buy new things for your redecoration, but you only need to alter what you already have. You can designate a place where you can put your dog urns so that you can see them anywhere you go in your house. Rearrange your furniture if you want to see different angles in your place. It is also helpful if you do this because it will help you work your mind. It would help if you did things that will train your mind to be focused.