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Wondering What’s Next After Choosing to Keep Your Loved One’s Ashes at Home? Here’s Your Guide

Nowadays, more and more families are opting to keep their beloved’s ashes at their homes – as this personal and intimate practice enables them to have a more sentimental and unique connection with their departed loved ones, making their home a sanctuary of eternal memories, everlasting love, and undying legacy.


As you choose this way of memorialising your beloved, what’s the next step to do? Here are some things you can take on board as you go through this meaningful and revered experience.


Choosing the perfect urn.


This is one of the most significant steps you shall go through – selecting the urn that would perfectly resonate with your beloved, as well as your bond and memories shared.


Urns come in a wide array of materials, designs, sizes, and styles — allowing the bereaved to personalise and customise the memorial vessel. You may choose from the simple one, elegant, up to the contemporary ones – the choice is wholly yours.


In choosing one, you must also consider its durability, sturdiness, and secure seal, to ensure the urn’s lasting subsistence.


Creating a Memorial Space.


Once you have already selected the urn, the next step is to make a memorial space within your home that is dedicated to the memorial urn. For some, they would also choose a corner adorned with photographs, memorabilia candles, or any other sentimental things. Choose a location that feels both comfortable and also conducive to reflection.


Legal and Regulatory Considerations.


It’s likewise crucial to adhere to your local laws and regulations when you bring cremation ashes home. You must research and comprehend such regulations that will help you navigate through the legal aspects to ensure a hassle-free experience.


Handle the ashes with care through securing the urn.


Cremated ashes are intricate, delicate, and must be handled with utmost respect and care. When you transfer ashes from a crematorium to the chosen urn – you must use an area that minimises the risk of spillage. If the ashes are from a makeshift receptacle, transfer them securely and safely to the chosen urn.


Are you in search of a timeless urn or keepsake to honour your beloved and keep their memories alive? Visit Urns UK’s website and explore its range of collections today! You may also enjoy a 10% OFF discount on your purchase.