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When you feel lost because of grieving, you don't know how to get back on your feet. You will feel lost in the track of things. You can have a cremation necklace to relieve you from missing them, though there is nothing to compare when you have them physically but this will ease your pain of losing them. 

When you are alone, you will feel the emptiness in your home because they are no longer there. You want things that will improve your well-being, but you will end up scrolling down in your bed crying. You know deep down that you are not okay, and you want to do something that will improve your health.

  • Weight Loss

  • Feeling all the sadness after losing will make you lose weight. You lose your appetite, lose your strength to get back on your feet to do household chores. You have no sense of feeling-numbness what you have inside. With this, you may prepare food for yourself that will help you improve your health. There are no expensive things in making yourself healthy. You need to get back in shape because no other people will help you if you will not help yourself. You can order a healthy meal online if you are too tired to cook for yourself or you can prepare simple meals that will fill in your stomach to regain your weight. 

  •  Clear you mindset

  • When you are lonely and sad, you will feel that all the sadness in the world is at your feet. You will be consumed by pain, and you don't know where to confide in your loneliness. In your despair, you will have a lot of things in mind;

    •  Why did they leave you?
    • What did you do to deserve all these things?
    • What are the things you need to do to make the upcoming days like usual?

    With your depression, your health is at risk. You need to improve your living and make sure that you are productive. Living with depression is the hardest part of a person. Not all people experience this emotion. But when it hits you, it feels like a storm that will blow you away and ruin you entirely. To have a better life, you need to clear your mind and focus on the things that will improve your health.

  • Express what you feel

  • It is not healthy to keep the pain inside your heart because it will give you pain. The weight that you have inside is a burden. Talk to someone close and understand you to release all your emotions that you keep for the whole time to leave all the pain. Releasing all these emotions will set you free from all pain. 

  • Try to do your routine.

  • Understandably, you can't do work while you are grieving. But try to start work like usual. Step by step to move forward will take you to the success of letting go. It may be hard at first because you don't know how to begin with the work you left after the passing of your loved one. But try to carry out your daily task and make sure that your focus is on your work. In that case, you will forget the pain, and it will exchange with the business of mind and body.

  • Avoid Alcoholic drinks if possible.

  • For others, alcoholic drinks are their way to forget the pain. But drinking alcoholic beverages will get you in trouble. It will cost you a lot of illnesses and will make your life even shorter. It is not that I am saying that you don't drink all, but drink with moderation. You need to know when to stop and not overdo it. 

    You need to make sure that you drink to fill in your tummies and not your mind. Often people drink not to quench their thirst for beer but to forget and let go of painful events they experienced. They get into a fight and end up having bruises. That is not a good thing when you are moving on. 

  • Don't decide on critical matters yet.

  • When we are in despair and stumble upon matters that need your decision, we can't make the right decision when we are in sadness. Instead of deciding it for a good reason, you will ruin it because you agreed when you are sad. If it is an urgent matter that needs a decision right away, you may want to ask help from a family member or set aside your emotions for a while and think professionally. 

  • Seek a consultant

  • If the pain is unbearable and you can no longer control it, you can see a psychiatrist. See a professional to help you with what you feel to avoid ending up being paranoid. Often people are afraid to go to a psychiatrist because they don't like other people to see them and talk about them. Sometimes, they would endure all the madness they feel and the pain just not be seen by anyone going to a psychiatrist. 

    They are ashamed to go to one because people will think of them as insane people. Not everyone who goes to a psychiatrist experiences mental illness, but they just want to have someone to talk to about what they have experienced. They want to find an avenue of how they feel. 

    There is no easy way to go out of grieving, but we need to push ourselves harder to survive. We only need one step forward to surpass the door of grieving. 

  • Get a cremation necklace

  • When you miss someone you loved so dearly you want to have a piece of them to remind you. It will help you be motivated to move on in life. It will also make you feel so alive, and it can be an inspiration to be positive in life. In improving your health while you are grieving you need to have something that will help you deal with things and getting a cremation necklace as a reminder of how amazing their life was when they are still alive will give you the desire to be healthy and to live your life longer.