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Certainties in life are what every human being would want in this lifetime. As humans, we want to have an assurance that everything we do is reciprocated with good things. Everyone that we love is secured with what they need in life, and they are safe. But we can't hold and predict when life is taken away. It is like a storm that we know is coming, but we don't know when it will hit us. Once it arrives, we can no longer stop it from taking what it is bound to take away. But we can honour our loved ones with mini urns for ashes for their remains. 

Instead of going to a traditional funeral and burial process, we can have the remains of our loved ones placed in an urn so we can take them home or have them in a keepsake. It is a unique way of remembering your loved ones, and it is convenient for you and your family because you don't need to be far away from your house. 

We weep because of these certainties that we put in our minds that end up failing. They are not what we seem to be. They become our uncertainties, and these hold us from reaching our goals and pursuing life. Adding to these hindrances is losing a loved one. Instead of being courageous to conquer all the uncertainties life is giving, some of us will feel downcasted and will never be as dreamy as they were before life changed everything.

Weeping and uncertainties are part of the journey we face every day. The only certainty in the world is change. And we see that every day and every hour of our lives. We try to fight it because we want to keep the people we love and the things we already get used to having in our daily lives. But the world was made for changing, and our future is changing too. 

What remains in our lives and hearts are the memories we create amongst the people that we treasure and love for the rest of our lives. Even if they are no longer around to stick and giggle with us, the moments we shared with them are things we keep in us. 

There might be times when we fall back from what we already have because of the pain of missing them, but we need to be reminded that we need to get back on our feet and start again. It may not be easy, but going through the process will help us overcome the lowest points of our life. And how to overcome them?

  • You need to understand the situation you have.

  • Often, when we are all over our emotions, we can no longer think of rational things for ourselves and our families. We make decisions based on what we feel and not considering the state we are in because, in our minds, that is the only way we can get through the things we want. We decide in an instant and might end up getting in trouble. 

    When it comes to essential things, we need to calm down and pause before making any move. Any decision you make at that moment can change your life even though it is understandable that we are too emotional with things and can hardly think because we grieve. And we need to believe in all the decisions thoroughly.

  • Understand yourself

  • Few people like to move on from the things that remind them about pain, but they don't know-how. That is understandable given the situation. Yet, you also need to know more about yourself and what things you need to move forward from grief. You can't rely upon other people for the healing that you want from yourself. They can help you, but the only person that can influence yourself is you. 

    You need to understand that uncertainties will always be part of us. We can overcome it, but we can't ignore them. That is why the things that make you overthink and hinder you from accepting the situation need to let go of it. You can never fully allow yourself to heal if you are still holding them back. 

  • Discover new things that spark interest

  • It is not easy to divert from one hobby to another. But if your hobbies remind you of the person, you need to find other things for the time being until you are ready to do them again without getting hurt or crying. It would help if you found a way to help you move and socialize with other people or keep you busy. 

    In that way, your mind will no longer linger on the pain you feel when you lost your loved one and will generate new information and memories that you can work on every day. It will help you get through your sadness and overthinking of things. But don’t push yourself to it all at once, you can slow down and adjust within your pace.