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Our pets are part of our family. They are the ones who bring joy to our sudden dull moments. When they pass away, we would love to keep their memory in our hearts and minds. Thus, making pet ashes jewellery will relieve the missing part because of their loss. 

Making time to choose a design for your pet's remembrance is a happy journey. You will realize many things as you look into the designs and what type of jewellery you would want to have in memory of them. It will be a beautiful experience in making it. 

There are a lot of jewellery designs to choose from according to your liking. You can choose from simple to most complex designs. These will comfort you and assure you that even though your pets are no longer with you, a part of them will leave with you forever. 

Here is why you want to have pet ashes jewellery for yourself and your family members:

  • It will be your lucky charm

Your pet ashes jewellery is not only for you to remember your beloved pets, but it will also serve as your lucky charm. Whenever you are nervous or unsure of things, the jewellery will remind you that you are doing great in all the things you do, and you will inspire people if you give your very best. Decisions are hard to make, but you will have a good life through the guidance of prayer and inspiration of your pet ashes jewellery. 

  • It will be your comfort.

The jewellery will give you comfort. Some say that it is only a piece of jewellery and it will not provide anything other than a fashion statement or adornment. But for you, it is your pet, and it is the comfort that you need that your pet is still alive in your life. It will become a part of your journey, and you would not want to take it away. You will feel missing if you are not able to see or feel it in your body. 

  • It will bring Joy

We know that pets bring joy to the house. The jewellery represents your pet, and it will give you satisfaction whenever you feel sad and lonely. You would feel their love even if they are already from afar. They are no replacement for our pet, they are one of a kind, and we would like to have them forever in our hearts. 

  • It is Therapeutic

It is a kind of therapy that will make you realize that you have to move on to enjoy life. It will provide a life realization that only one can discover. The process of making ash jewellery is never that complicated for you, but deciding as to what kind of jewellery you would like to have is a little bit hard;

  1. Ring
  2. Necklace
  3. Earings
  4. Pendants

But for some, they would like to have a whole set of jewellery to remember their pet. Spending for your loved one is never a waste of money but an investment that you can keep for a lifetime. 

  • It gives you closure.

The jewellery will give closure from the pain. According to research, humans have this sense of letting go if they think they are ready to move out of something and gain another thing. It means that we are letting go of the pain caused by the passing of our pets. Since we already have the jewellery as a remembrance of the memories, we have with them. Then, we can let go of the pain and dwell on the happy moments that we can remember. 

  • It is a fantastic way to preserve a remnant of a loved one.

There a lot of ways to preserve someone's ashes; 

  1. putting in an urn
  2. adding it a sculpture
  3. any many more

But putting the ashes of your pet in a piece of jewellery or mixing it to make a piece of jewellery is a remarkable and unique way. Nobody will know that you are carrying your pet's ashes with it. People will only think that it's a fashion statement and looks good on you. But when they find out that it contains the ashes of your pet, they will be amazed and in awe of what you made out of the ashes. 

We can all choose what type of jewellery we would like to have to remember our dear pets. But we also need to remember that we are making these things to remind us that we share moments and love with them. A reminder that no matter how long they are gone, they will remain in our hearts. A piece of ash jewellery will help us remember these things. 

You may want to consider these things;

  1. Assist yourself on what kind of jewellery you would like to have to place the ashes of your pet.
  2.  Then, have a concrete design you would like to have in your jewellery.
  3. Find a place that will customize your jewellery to the things that you like.