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When we visit a burial of a lost loved one or a friend, we sometimes don't know what to tell them whenever they want to communicate with them. We end up tongue-tied-unable to say things that we wanted to say to them, especially when we are already in front of the wooden cremation urn of the person. We lost our words. All the phrases we formed in our minds before coming to the funeral will be gone. 

We want to make sure the words coming out of our mouths will cheer them up and not make them upset and get annoyed. We express our condolences to them and make sure that they are fine. With this, there are a few phrases that you may say to a friend, family member, or anyone who is grieving after losing a loved one.

Here are some phrases that may help you with what to say to people who are grieving:

  • I am sorry for your loss.

  • This sentence will make them feel that you understand what they think. You want them to feel that they are not alone in this battle because you also know how it feels. Instead of using long phrases to make them wonder about your point, using the sentence will enable you to communicate with them quickly and comfortably. 

  • I don't know what to say to ease your pain, but I am here to help you.

  • It may sound contradictory to what we aim to do, but this phrase will let them feel more human because they know there are no exact words to say to someone when drowning in pain. By saying these words, they will see that you are trying to connect your emotion to what they feel. 

    You want them to feel that the comfort you are giving is to cheer them up and help them ease their pains of missing and losing their loved ones. 

  • If you need someone to talk to, I am always one call away.

  • It will make them feel that no matter what happens, there are people who they can rely on and lean on. They will not hesitate to open up with you because they know you will help them cope with their loss. In times like these, they will choose people with whom they talk about their grief. The person they can trust the most and the person who would understand them well and will not judge them because of their sadness. 

    If you want to be that person they want to trust, you can use these words to start the conversation with them. Along with these words are the things you wanted to tell them from your heart. It will become an effective way of telling them how you feel about what happens and the comfort you want them to feel.

  • You don't need to say anything. I know your pain, and I will hug you instead.

  • When you say these words, you need to make sure that the person you are talking to is close to you, not to offend anyone with this kind of manner or gesture. If we use these words towards a person we just met, they will feel offended and misinterpret your actions and intention. 

    Please say these words if they come into action too. Because the best way to comfort people is to make them feel that they don't have grief alone, they have family and friends to help them and uplift their sadness and worries. 

  • My fondest memory of the person is

  • You can tell them your favorite moment with the person (if you are close with the person who passed away). They will appreciate and would love to hear how their loved ones become a part of someone's journey. For example, if you are the closest co-worker of the person, you can tell the grieving family about how you and the person became friends.

    The funny moments you share with the person and the unforgettable talks you had. This kind of scenario will put a smile on the bereaved family member's faces. They would appreciate your thoughts of telling them how good the person was to you and how your life changed when you met them.

    You can use more words and phrases to tell people how you feel after hearing that their loved one passed away. What matters is it comes from the heart, and you are sincere in saying those words because it is hard to move forward in life when the memory of your loved ones occupies all your thoughts.

    Though some of these phrases are overrated whenever there is a burial or a funeral, the vital thing is that they know you meant what you say, and they feel it. Because no right words don't describe the pain and sadness, they think of losing a loved one.